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Vintage Aviator7
Vintage Aviator7


US$ 2322.00
Reviews (523)
  • 2016-11-10
    Love these frames!!
    I am really hoping they'll work with my prescription.
  • 2016-11-01
    I received these yesterday, opened them, and I IMMEDIATELY turned around and went straight out the door to go to the eyeglass store to have my prescription lenses put in! They finished them in an hour and I was so excited! I have been searching for the right pair of black glasses on many different sites for months now, and when I ran accross these, I thought they would pretty much be cheap and low quality like the cosmetic frames people buy at accessory stores. I was wrong, these are very high quality, they are very sturdy and perfect for having prescription lenses added in! I'd recommend that anyone get them!
  • 2016-10-09
    I have a big face. Like, regular oversized glasses that you find in stores are just normal fitted. These are perfect! Not too big where they look fake but big enough to get the look I was going for. They don't look like I'm trying too hard to be a hipster and can be worn as a lazy morning look with a hoodie or dressed more casually with jeans and a t-shirt. The leapord print isn't ombré as the picture showed but I love the look still. They don't look cheap at all. Wide frames though, so if you have a petite nose or face they will be big on you. I'm going to take them in to get my prescription lenses swapped in. Also, I'm insanely picky so this should hold more water; I went to every optometry in the Bay and only liked a couple frames. But they were +$300.
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